Wednesday 3 February 2010

Hej hej London

I said goodbye to the crawling London to come back to my snowy host country.
By the way, i couldn't come back without a piece of England: a small little block of pages i bought for 8 quid in BrickLane, in a sunny sunday afternoon as an Eastender.
The new book of Nick Hornby. The title is Juliet, Naked. It deals with music and love, and, actually, i can't ask better of a book, i am, immerse in that England i met in another Hornby's work High Fidelity (one of my cult books) the first time. The same England that, after shaping in my mind, i got now to know first-hand. The England of the gigs, of people living with and for music. By eradicating ithe book from its own natural environment i stole it and I brought it some thousands km up north, where it still snows.
A book to reminds you some of the English scent, just in case you forget how it sounds like while away from it.


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