Friday, 21 October 2011

Ahi ahi ahi

Pre-friday night in København.

I listen to the new by Dente, who's an italian songwriter.
His music is very much the kind of Italian melodic songs, the new Lucio Battisti someone says...det ved jeg ikke, måske...but more ironic. Dente came out when I was already abroad, so I really don't have any memory connected to his music. However, probably it is because of his italian-ness that tonight I am a bit nostalgic and I would even dare to experience a calm, alcool free, (or almost) italian friday night.
But, it's not time yet. 


  1. Dente è un artista interessante, anche se devo ancora ascoltare bene questo nuovo album...
    Mi sono imbattuto nel tuo blog per caso mentre cercavo notizie su Copenhagen, visto che tra poco sarò lì per qualche mese. Mi piacerebbe contattarti in qualche modo (mail o altro), magari potresti darmi qualche consiglio utile!
