Wednesday, 31 August 2011

People, world, Monocle

Leaving to Croatia. Back dreaming about a journalistic future.

CaféBabel Copenhagen. Monocle. Radio Monocle.

Back to London?

Banning people like this

Today I read an article about Danish music. The italian "author" is very much bitching about Danish music whithout knowing anything about it. How comes that anyone can write anything? Really...In this case, it is not a question of opinions about Danish music is simply that this girl is writing on a music magazine without knowing anything about music. This is not it is the fact that one can't comment on the article.

I've just been to the party release of this album.
Have a taste. This is Elastic Plastic remixed by Kim Hiorthøy

Wednesday, 17 August 2011


Slime is 19 years old.

Here together with my last music coup de coeur Vondelpark

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Long life Copenhagen!

og min sund spinat tærte

Monday, 15 August 2011

Cooking and pictures

I like cooking, I follow some cooking blogs, but I've never tried to take pictures of my dishes.
I like composing them, looking at colours and shapes, but unfortunately I am not good at taking pictures. They are flat, with no souls. Basically, like for many other things, I have no patience to learn.
BUT, today I shot a good one. I mean, nothing extremely good, nor original, cause that is the kind of picture you find in many cooking blogs's a beginning!


Det var lækkert!

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Do you believe in astrology?

I confess....sometimes i find hard not to...

Gemini is fresh and playful, with a carefree spirit. His relentless curiosity keeps him young for a long time, constantly updated, ready to catch any change or innovation. Gemini wants to know as much as possible, making the experience more diverse, he is very good ad adapt to different people and environments. Equipped with a quick and agile mind, he immediately grasps the essential aspects of every situation.

The nature of Gemini is essentially the brain. The core of his personality is the mind filters through which he filters each stimulus and external event, emotions included.

Gemini is a brilliant speaker and witty entertainer. However, he misses a certain emotional detachment that often keeps him away from emotional involvements. Gemini is intellectually lively and quick, imaginative and versatile. He has literary qualities, but sometimes he is shallow, due to his fickleness of tastes. Moreover, the restless research for new experiences and freedom makes him reclutant to respect commitments.

Gemini gets tired quickly, often changing idea attracted to now stimuli that keep boredom away.

From a Gemini, do not expect understanding or solidarity in difficult times.

Gemini look for a partner that is both a friend and a lover.

Gemini betrays especially with the thought. He
can fall in love just glimpsing on a bus or can is attracted for the person most disagreeable person, because he is convinced that some uncommon features hide wonderful secrets. Gemini is definitely the sign of those who "think too much".

Be his confident, be his complice, that's the best tool to domesticate

Thursday, 11 August 2011

La Romagna che non delude

Following yesterday's trend of Italian nostalgia, here's an Italian band.

Like Like!

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Da jeg var barn....

I am about to go to my mundlig test, and this song came to my mind.

Hai paura del buio? is one of the most important LP of my life. Althought it is from 1996, i discovered it only around 2001...i think. This is how I got to know the Afterhours actually.

I remember my first ephic trip to Milan to see Afterhours at Leoncavallo. It was just me and my brother. It took us 2 hours be car to come back from Milan because we couldn't find our way home. At some point, at 4 in the morning, i was about to call home saying that we were sleeping somewhere and coming back with the light the morning after. Crazy roadsigns.
I have this weird feeling towards Milan. I don't know it that well, even if I lived less than one hour away for 19 years. According to the communters it's grey, snobbish and unfriendly. But now that i am far away I can't pretend not to feel the appeal of the only city that can somehow combine my nostalgic Italian feelings and my changed European lifestyle.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Crystal Stilts @ KB18

I found out about Crystal Stilts in 2009.
I liked them from the beginning, and also this new album did not disappointed me.
Yesterday night i saw them in Kbh, and now i can confirm my respect for this band. Good vibes and tidy execution! They made me cheerful and they were even able to make my tired legs keeping the rhythm.

Bravo Bravo.